Noticing changes

October 26, 2024 Sandra Dawes

I’ve been listening to Mortimer’s new album recently, and there’s a song I really like. It’s called Changes. If you have Spotify, you can listen to it here.

I like it because it reminds me that I’ve changed significantly in the past 15 or 20 years. Like the song says, things I used to fear, I don’t anymore, and that’s the most significant change I’ve seen.

I love songs whose words are easy to understand and connect with. Listening to Mortimer’s song repeatedly made me think of the changes I’ve experienced.

When I notice positive changes I’ve made, I like to credit myself for the growth I’ve achieved. It’s easy to discredit our achievements simply because they’re ours. I must constantly remind myself to celebrate my accomplishments, regardless of how small they may seem.

I’m pretty sure if someone had told me 20 years ago that I would be living in a tropical country, married to the man I was dating, and now earning a living as a writer, I would have laughed at them. None of my current activities were on my radar back then.

Maybe I’m reflecting as my fiftieth birthday is around the corner in 2025, and I’m taking stock of where I am in my life. While the path I took wasn’t necessarily the one I planned for, I don’t have any regrets about where I ended up, and I’m excited for the experiences ahead. 🩵

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