Do you have dreams of winning the lottery?

May 30, 2024 Sandra Dawes

Earlier this week, I was conversing about the first things I would do if I ever won the lottery. It started with someone saying that most lottery winners go broke within a few years. Then I saw a writing prompt asking me what I would do if I had unlimited money.

So, I will share what I shared a few days ago…

The first thing I would do is hire a therapist. I want to increase my awareness and let go of any lingering blocks I might have. I feel like getting my mind right would be a fantastic first step to making sure I don’t squander the winnings trying to band-aid my issues.

The second thing I would do is go on a health retreat. I want to do all the detoxes medically permitted to help me live the next chapter of my life in optimum health.

The next thing I would do is hire a financial planner. I’m willing to admit I don’t know everything there is to know about smart money moves, so I would like to have someone I trust to guide me.

I feel like taking those three actions: getting my mind, body, and finances on the right path before I do anything significant with any winnings is the best way forward.

However, this is all hypothetical. My dad used to say he didn’t think he’d win the lottery because he’d made too many plans for what he would do if he won. I don’t think his theory that planners don’t win is valid.

I’ve also told myself that I won’t win the lottery because I don’t think luck will have anything to do with my abundance. Who knows if we’re both right or have jinxed our chances with our thoughts? 😉❤️

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