Short-term thinking

May 24, 2024 Sandra Dawes

In the last few months, I’ve heard a lot of examples of short-term thinking. I realize that instant gratification has become the expectation, but what about the adage of short-term pain for long-term gain”? It seems like at a time when we can binge-watch a series in a day; we want everything to operate in the same way.

I think that focusing on short-term wins despite knowing that there will be long-term consequences isn’t a wise move. I understand wanting to take advantage of opportunities presented to you now, but you must mentally, emotionally, and financially prepare yourself for the final result.

People may say I’m an overthinker. I’m better than I used to be since I would still be making a list of pros and cons and trying to plan everything before moving to another country. I think that I trusted the move because I focused on the long-term benefits of doing it.

Had I been thinking short-term, I would have been discouraged by the challenge of finding an affordable place, buying new furniture and appliances, and getting used to living in a new country with a different relationship with time than we’re used to.

Instead, I was focusing on healthier living, a slower pace of life, and having the time to focus on the important things in life. These are all things that can help me improve my quality of life, and I can visit Canada anytime I feel like it.

Short-term thinking can get us into trouble. Living a life focused on short-term gains that may lead to long-term pain sets us up for failure. Many of the ads we’re seeing on social media (that’s all I can speak to since we don’t have cable) talk about how you can make money fast, and if you pay them, they’ll show you how you can do it with minimal effort.

Many of us are facing challenging times, and some entrepreneurs are using that to their advantage. They know you’re looking for additional income to make ends meet, and they’re offering you a way to make that happen.

I’m not saying all the ads are scams, but I think you have to approach these opportunities skeptically. Trust your instincts and listen to your intuition. It doesn’t matter how good it sounds; do your homework and ensure you’re winning in the long term. ❤️

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