Making the most of your time

May 10, 2024 Sandra Dawes

Our latest trip back to Canada has been for two weeks. The last time we came, we stayed a month. We got a lot done in a month but thought it was more time than we needed, so we cut our time in half.

Having only two weeks has meant that we have had full days every day and have less than a week left to go. In a week, we’ve accomplished a lot and crossed almost everything on our to-do list, with four days left to spend time with friends and family.

Even though two weeks seems like a short time, a part of us is already ready to go home. While it’s only been a year of foundation setting, we considered our new home our true home, and I feel pretty good about that.

With limited time, it’s easier to prioritize. There might have been a lot of things we wanted to do before we got here, but now that we’re here and getting things done, we’ve realized that it won’t all be possible, and that’s okay.

This trip wasn’t a vacation. I feel like we’ll rest when we get back home with the peace of mind that everything we came here to do is done.

Time moves a lot faster here. I think that’s one of the reasons we didn’t hesitate to make the move; we were ready for a slower pace of life.

Coming back here reminds us that we made the right decision. We may be farther away from friends and family, but our quality of life is much better, and we wouldn’t change that for anything.

Maybe it’s because I’m approaching fifty, but I enjoy living a simpler life. If the power goes out, we use the time to talk. It is the same if the Internet goes down. Things that would have seemed like the end of the world when we were living in Canada, are now signs to enjoy the quiet and be in the moment.

Living in a developing country helps you realize that time is an illusion. It isn’t treated the same in Canada as in our new home, and we’re totally okay with that. ❤️

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