Everything happens for a reason

March 22, 2024 Sandra Dawes

The title of this blog post isn’t an original one for me. It could be because it’s like a mantra for me. I’m constantly getting signs that it is an indisputable truth.

At the end of last week, I was feeling antsy and thought it would be nice to get away for a couple of days, but I didn’t know how or when I would plan something like that. One of my husband’s studio equipment stopped working on the weekend, and he needed to replace it.

Replacing the equipment isn’t accessible from where we are, and we found out that it would be costly to have it shipped in because of the duties, so my husband asked me if I was up to travelling to Florida to get it and bring it back.

So, I had the how and when chosen, and I got to see some family while I was out there. The trip was a short one but a productive one in all ways. 🎉

The last time I was in Florida was 14 years ago. Most of the family in Florida then moved back to Canada, but there are still nieces and nephews in Florida.

I realized I shouldn’t allow that much time without connecting with my family. I should have learned from planning to visit my aunt in Scotland and being too late because she passed before I made it out there.
I’m going to take this last gentle reminder seriously. Whenever I have yet to take the reminders seriously, the next one is more extreme, and there’s no need to experience that!

Time is the greatest gift we can give one another. Memories last longer than we do, and when we give the gift of time, we can create memories that last forever. ❤️

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