Paying attention to the signs

March 16, 2024 Sandra Dawes

Last week we interesting. I started working on an assignment for a new freelance gig for which I had applied. The assignment was 2000 words, due at the end of last week. Before I started working on the assignment, I received a response to a proposal I had submitted over a month ago, and they wanted a writing sample from me that they would pay me for.

Usually, I would treat these assignments on a first come, first completed basis. This time, I decided to do things differently and work on the one paying me first. Payment wasn’t the only reason I worked on the assignment received last, first. I was skeptical about applying for the 2000-word assignment because I had done some preliminary research on the company and saw that they had numerous disgruntled freelancers.

Despite what I had read, I decided to submit my application because I was hopeful that things had changed based on the negative feedback they had received. The first assignment was a pleasure to work on because there were three elements to the assignment, and brevity (60 to 200 words) was encouraged.

The paid assignment was a pleasure to work on. The unpaid assignment, which was 2000 words on the philosophy of stoicism, wasn’t what I expected. It’s been over 20 years since I had to do any writing that required a reference page, and even longer since I’ve taken a course in philosophy. I thought my poli-sci background would help, but like I said, it’s been over 20 years.

Despite my challenges creating a bibliography for online resources, which wasn’t a thing the last time I had to do one of these, I managed to submit both assignments. The client accepted the paid assignment with no notes 🎉, and I’ve yet to hear back on my 2000-word assignment, but after my experiences working on both projects, I know which one I’d like to continue working on and the one I won’t be disappointed not to get. I’ve learned never to question the small blessings in disguise. ❤️

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