Shifting tolerances

January 21, 2024 Sandra Dawes

I’m home this weekend recovering from some bug. I’m on the second movie, and it’s just past noon. 😉

The first movie had me cheering for an anti-hero avenging the wrong-doing her best friend had endured. It was a dark comedy with an unexpected ending that I thoroughly enjoyed.

The second movie opened up with 30 minutes of a traumatic home birth that doesn’t end well. I actually had to fast-forward through most of it. I thought I could distract myself and do some work with it running in the background, but the only way that would have worked was if I had muted the audio. 😯

It’s funny how I can’t watch scenes where animals are being hurt or die, but I fully support the gratuitous murders in John Wick because it started with revenge on the man who killed his dog. I’ve seen a video on Instagram where a comedian talks about how the John Wick movie concept has a deeper meaning to dog owners, and I concur. 😉

I used to be into horror movies. It started with books; then, I’d want to see the movies to see if they matched my imagination. The last scary movie I watched was the first Saw movie. That movie scared me right out of my joy of scary movies. Even psychological thrillers can be a bit much for me these days.

For some reason, I can watch shows like The Walking Dead and not be freaked out by the dead because there’s a plot to follow. Granted, there are still moments when I turn my head away from the screen because it gets to be too much.

Fantasy violence is easier to digest than psychological thrillers. There’s little chance of me getting burned alive by a fire-breathing dragon, but you never know how close the craziest person is to you, do you? 🤯

I’m on my third movie now (yes, I took a break in writing this). This one is about a woman rescuing a young boy whose father is murdered. After this one, I’ll look for something a bit lighter – maybe a comedy to end the day on a positive note. 😉

Speaking of tolerances, my threshold for grammar and spelling mistakes is declining rapidly. I’ve been watching movies with subtitles because it saves me time from rewinding to figure out what the characters are saying sometimes. I’m tempted to send my resume to the streaming services for editing the subtitles. Hubby thinks they’re using AI, and I think even if they are, someone should be reviewing it. *Slowly steps off soapbox.”

Do you find yourself tolerating things more or less with age? I’d love to hear your experiences in the comments! ❤️

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