The difference changing your perspective makes

December 23, 2023 Sandra Dawes

Last week, something in the house went missing. We hadn’t left home and had used it earlier in the day. We looked everywhere for it. We checked every room, the sofa cushions, and even under the couch.

Coming back from our bedroom, I saw it under the coffee table. I would have seen it if I turned my head while looking under the couch. I was so convinced it may have fallen under the sofa that I didn’t consider the coffee table. 🤦🏽‍♀️

I felt like that situation was a reminder of the importance of looking at things from different perspectives. It can be so easy to get lost in tunnel vision that we do not consider the idea that another solution exists.

The reminder about shifting perspective allowed me to channel the inspiration for my next book. I’ve been struggling with the book I thought I wanted to write and then realized that I needed to go back to what helped me write the first one: writing what I know.

Once I got the inspiration to write the book I’m working on, the ideas flowed. I’ve even received inspiration for the book I initially struggled with, so I know it won’t be “just an idea” for long.

I’ve done more writing since our relocation. I feel like my new environment is conducive to being creative. I’m looking forward to seeing what 2024 has in store for me.

I’m looking forward to having more time to work now that our home life is settled.

I know I’ve said it before, but time moves slower here for some reason. As I type this, it’s minutes after noon, and I’ve already crossed four things off my to-do list, and one of them had to do with seasoning a whole chicken for Christmas!

I look forward to seeing how much I can accomplish in 2024. I’m excited to see how much I can accomplish in the year before I turn 50! 😉❤️

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