Enjoying the silence

December 9, 2023 Sandra Dawes

We live in a very rural area. We hear dogs barking at night, and in the morning, we’re woken up by braying goats and various bird songs. Even as I type, I hear a goat braying in the distance and leaves rustling on the coconut tree by the window I’m sitting beside.

The main road isn’t too far away, so occasionally, I hear a truck’s air brakes as it passes, but that’s about it. We’re surrounded by farmland, so sometimes I hear distant voices.

Did I mention we have a cow as our neighbour? He occasionally moos, but that doesn’t happen very often. When he does make noise, it isn’t a bother; it’s just a reminder that I’m surrounded by nature.

It’s the perfect setting for writing, brainstorming, and other productive activities. The one thing missing is a notebook. I mistakenly thought I could do all my notes on my tablet using voice dictation, but now I realize I would do better with a pen and paper for planning.

My goal the next time we go shopping is to buy a notebook. I’ve got many pens in my laptop bag, but no paper to write on. 😕

I’ve also decided to dedicate time in the next few weeks to plan my goals for 2024, and I will make a copy of my workbook so I can do it manually. I’ve decided to sell digital copies this year, so if you’re interested in joining me in planning for 2024, you can grab your copy here.

I used to work better with background noise. I was never at my most productive working in a library, but now I enjoy the quiet and the focus it affords me.

It looks like it will rain soon, and that’s a noise I don’t mind. There’s something very soothing about rainfall, even when it’s accompanied by thunder and lightning, as long as I’m not on the roads! 😉

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