Making the best use of our time

December 2, 2023 Sandra Dawes

We’ve seen memes on social media that say that the “successful” people have the same hours in the day as everyone else. It implies that the rest of us aren’t using our time as productively, but the medium delivering the message is one of the biggest time-wasters right now.

Making the best use of my time includes making time for things I enjoy. I’ve had some passion project ideas in the past year, but I didn’t think it was the best use of my time. I’d been focusing on things that generated revenue.

It’s funny how lessons we need a refresher on can creep up on you. I know from past experiences that focusing on revenue generation doesn’t work for me, yet that’s what I’ve been doing. The only difference is the type of work I’m doing and where I’m doing it.

I will work on my plan for 2024, and one of my goals is to make time for projects that generate revenue AND those that tug at my heartstrings. I’m excited about the possibilities yet realistic about the challenges that may occur.

It’s like finding the perfect “work/life” balance. It will never be an equal 50-50 split between the two, but awareness will help you be more aware of the imbalances, and then you can adjust as necessary.

I’m grateful that we live in a country where time moves slowly. I feel like I can accomplish a lot more in a day. Maybe it’s the climate or the early sunrises, but I plan to take advantage of the feeling of increased productivity.

I look forward to the next few weeks of goal planning. I will share the big ones here, so I’ve made a public commitment to making them happen. 🫡

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