Getting ready for 2024

November 23, 2023 Sandra Dawes

We’re approaching the end of 2023, and I’m starting to think about my goals for the year ahead. A year ago, I didn’t know that we would be changing the country we call home, so 2023 has been a year of making shifts and pivoting.

I’m hoping that the year ahead will find us more settled and I will have regained a routine that allows me to be productive. 🤞🏽

I’m seriously considering getting Leonie Dawson’s goal planning workbooks, probably in PDF form, so I can save some trees and use the PDF version or go old-school and print the pages. Either way, I feel like I need to do my goal planning in a way that has worked for me previously, and Leonie’s workbooks do it for me.

Regardless of what method I will use to plan my year, I know the last few weeks of December will find me sitting in the quiet (at home or by the beach), setting my intentions for the upcoming year.

One of the things I didn’t make the progress I wanted to with is my fiction book. I know I need to set aside the time to work on it consistently, or it will never happen. This is another area where I need to go back to doing what works for me: committing to dedicating a few hours a day to the book, regardless of how much gets done.

I’m grateful for my break from social media because it’s allowed me to check in with myself and consider what my next steps should be. Rather than looking for a new program or book to help me with my issues, I’ve just reviewed what I’ve done in the past and reminded myself about what actually works.

I find it funny that as a coach, I used to remind people to celebrate their successes and review them frequently to remind themselves what’s possible, and I forgot to do it for myself. Thankfully, I could reconnect with that advice and practice it myself to get unstuck.

I look forward to reporting on my progress. Whether that’s with my goal planning, novel writing, or sticking with a routine, I hope to have a stellar year to review at the end of 2024! 🎉🥳

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