Back home!

October 23, 2023 Sandra Dawes

We visited our old stomping grounds for 30 days and are now back home. It was interesting to be in the country I called home for 48 (and a half?) years, which had me longing to return to my new home.

It was great seeing friends and family and spending time with them, including Thanksgiving. We accomplished a lot in the 30 days there, even more than we expected! 🎉 It’s incredible what can be accomplished with a tight deadline!

Now that I’m back and getting settled into my routine, I’ve got a lot to accomplish before the end of the year. November is National Novel Writing Month, so I’ve decided to start working on my novel! I’ll keep you posted on how that goes – who knows? I may share some excerpts on my blog! 😉

Seeing friends I haven’t connected with in person for 4.5 months was incredible. Even though we message and talk on the phone, nothing beats sharing the same space with someone! I feel like the time spent with friends and family gave me an energy boost to carry back with me.

We’re not planning to come back for a while. We’ll see how long we last without seeing friends and family. We haven’t gone longer than 4.5 months until now, so I’m curious to see if we get homesick and travel back sooner than planned. 🤔

It was good to be back where we once called home, but even better to return to our new home. I’m glad that I consider where we are home. There was a time when I wasn’t sure if I was ready to make the move, but after our last 4.5-month trip, I was sad to leave here when I used to be ready to get back home.

I don’t know if this is our forever place, but it might be, and I’m okay with that! ❤️

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