It’s good to be “home”

September 17, 2023 Sandra Dawes

We arrived in Canada on Friday evening. Summer’s not officially over, but fall is in the air. We could see our breath outside on Friday, so I’m glad I packed my jeans and some sweats.

We traveled with lots of room in our suitcases because we’re planning to stock up on things to bring back to our new home. 😉 I placed an order with Amazon that arrived before I did because I wanted to ensure I got it in time.

I’ve already met my new nephew, who arrived in August, and we have another new arrival to meet while we’re here. We’ve also got a baby shower to attend at the beginning of next month, so it’ll be a baby-themed visit this time, and when we come back next year, it’ll be interesting to see how they’ve grown. 😊

Our meet and greet tour has just begun, and there are quite a few people we’d both like to see, whether together or independently, so it will be a busy month. While I’m not writing any articles while I’m here, I’m going to use this time to start planning out the short stories I want to include in my next book.

Being back has made me grateful for the freedom to travel and work on my own schedule. Ten years ago, if someone had told me this was the life I would be living, I’d think they were crazy, but here I am.

It’s a bit odd to be here as a visitor. We don’t have a home here anymore because we’ve rented everything, so we’re staying with friends who’ve been generous enough to give us a room in their home to stay in while we’re here.

Right now, my laptop is teasing me. It’s still set to track the weather where we call home now, and it’s telling me the temperature there is 32 degrees Celsius, and it feels hotter. Meanwhile, where I am now, it’s 17 degrees.

Canada will always be my home, but I’m looking forward to going back to my new home. I miss my friends, but I’ve been able to stay in touch and will hopefully spend some time with them before I go back. 🤞🏽

This will be our last visit to Canada for 2023. We’ll be back in the spring of 2024, marking the longest I’ve stayed outside Canada. I look forward to immersing myself fully in our new home during that time. ❤️

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