Enjoying the view

August 19, 2023 Sandra Dawes

I haven’t been driving in the country we’re now living in. They drive on the other side of the road, and I’ve only done it once, over 20 years ago, in a country that’s much smaller, very flat, and maybe a third of the population, so I’m not ready yet.

Since I’m always the passenger, I see and notice things I wouldn’t do as the driver since I have to focus on the road. Of course, I’m seeing things I wouldn’t see back home, either.

Stray dogs, cow and goat roadblocks, and men riding horseback are just some of the sights I’ve encountered in my time here. I’m tempted to make the experience the subject of a future book I write about my life as an ex-pat, so stay tuned… 😉

There are beautiful scenic views too. Whether it’s seeing the coastline or the mountains, there’s so much lushness and creatures living in it. It’s like being in the middle of a National Geographic special sometimes.

I’m enjoying the pace of life here. It can be so quiet that you can hear birds, lizards, and other critters making noise outside. Goats bleating and dogs barking are part of the natural soundtrack sometimes.

We don’t have a television, and we sometimes watch Netflix on a laptop to entertain ourselves at night when we’re not visiting and conversing with friends. Life seems a lot simpler here, and I like it.

Hubby asked me the other day if I missed home, and I responded that I miss suburban conveniences. There isn’t an Uber Eats or DoorDash accessible here. You can’t get Amazon delivery here. You know, first-world luxuries. 😉

I don’t miss the hustle and bustle. I like seeing the ocean whenever I want, even if I don’t go in it. There’s something calming about the sea.

Even inconveniences that would have been major back home, like power and internet outages, aren’t a big deal. We’ve decided when that happens; it’s a sign to get out of the house and do something (weather permitting, of course). ‘

I’m excited to go back home next month to see friends and family, but I’ll be equally as excited to come back to our new home. ❤️

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