The company you keep

July 8, 2023 Sandra Dawes

Growing up, my mother always cautioned me to choose my friends wisely. She would say that choosing the wrong friends can influence me to make bad choices if I’m not careful. I used to think it was just my mother talking, but as I grew older, my experiences confirmed that she was on to something.

I saw a comical example of the company you keep having influence. It wasn’t me that had been influenced, but an adolescent goat. We were driving to what will soon be our new home, and I saw a goat running around in a non-goat way.

I thought it was odd, but everything became clear a few minutes later. A group of about seven dogs of varying ages ran into the yard where the goat was grazing and started playing. Apparently, this isn’t uncommon because once the goat saw the dogs, it ran to them and started playing with them.

While playing with the dogs, the goat exhibited dog-like behavior, which made me assume it grew up with the dogs and has adopted some of their behaviors. There’s a cow in the yard as well, but I think it’s the elder of the gang and is already sure of who it is. 😉

I’m sure I’ll learn more about my animal neighbors once we move in. Don’t be surprised if I tell stories about them in future blogs. I’ll probably watch the shenanigans and document the life lessons they teach me, so stay tuned! ❤️

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