Last Thursday was my birthday, and while it wasn’t a milestone birthday, it’s still memorable. A few weeks ago, my husband told me he had a surprise for me for my birthday. I think he did it hoping he’d have some fun with me, trying to figure out the surprise.
Unfortunately for him, I’m not wired that way. I’ve learned from past experiences that the best way to move forward is to have as few expectations as possible. I used to be the kind of person that expected people to do special things for me for my birthday. After a few disappointments, I took control of the situation and started planning things for my birthday each year.
Many birthdays in my 30s and 40s have been spa days where I treat myself to the works – a facial, mani-pedi, and full body massage. Happy birthday to me! 🎉
So this year, when my hubby said he had a surprise for me, my only thought was I hope it includes a massage! Since my neck and shoulders were telling me it would be a nice treat. 😉
Not only did it include a massage, but he treated me to a 5-course sunset and candlelight dinner on the beach! 😲
Two courses down…
Needless to say, this was beyond my wildest expectations! He’s not a planner, so I’m impressed that he managed to pull it off without dropping any significant hints.
48 has started on an awesome note, and I can’t wait to see what the year ahead has in store for me. This birthday has confirmed that not having expectations is one of the keys to happiness. ❤️