It’s all about ideal situations

December 15, 2022 Sandra Dawes

Last week, I wrote about small wonders. I shared that I had two unusual and pretty cool experiences a couple of weeks ago. I shared that I’d seen a shooting star and a double rainbow. I had similar experiences this week, so I had to do a Google search to find out how rare these occurrences are.

After a quick search on shooting stars and double rainbows, I now know neither of these is as rare as I thought. πŸ˜• The truth is that where I am and the environment make having these experiences more common than at home.

I’d have to travel a few hours up north by car to see the stars I see on a clear night here. The light pollution back home doesn’t allow for star gazing. We’re staying in a rural part of the island, so the stars put on their own light show on a clear night.

The rainfall here isn’t the same as the rain we get back home. I haven’t done extensive research on the amount of rain and rainbows, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the temperature and type of rain have something to do with double rainbows.

It’s funny how a change in environment can introduce you to experiences that you once thought were rare. Back home, it’s not very common to see large birds flying nearby. A couple of days ago, I was outside and could hear the wings of a large bird as it flew by. Pretty cool, right? (Or maybe it’s just me πŸ˜‰)

Changing our environment has allowed us to experience things that would be hard to do back home. Even the internet outages seem more tolerable here because of the pace. Instead of worrying about the work you can’t get done, you might as well enjoy the sunshine and stimulating conversation.

This is our second year as snowbirds, and I think that even though we don’t have all the luxuries we have at home, our quality of life is much better here, and I’m grateful we can do this annually. 😊❀️

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