What do you have to lose?

November 28, 2022 Sandra Dawes

Last week, my husband made friends with some fellow travelers on the beach (which is a regular thing for him). We met for lunch on the weekend and had some terrific conversations. One of the topics we discussed was goals and how fear can slow down your progress if you let it.

I’m no stranger to allowing fear to bump me out of the driver’s seat and take control of my actions, but I’ve become better at being aware that it’s trying to control the situation. When fearful thoughts enter my mind, I acknowledge them (because they’re often valid) and proceed cautiously.

Someone shared that when they experience fears about doing something, they ask themselves what do I have to lose? You can think about all the things that could go wrong and create elaborate worst-case scenarios that can easily prevent you from pursuing your dreams.

The reality is that the chances of the worst-case scenario happening are slim to none. If the worst does happen, what does that mean for you? Does it mean you’re homeless? Will you lose your family? Sometimes our negative thinking is just a test to see how badly we want to realize our goals.

The next time you’re on the fence about doing something that can help you get close to accomplishing your goals, stop and ask yourself what you have to lose. Instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong, you can shift your perspective and consider all the things you could do if you fear and do it anyway.

You may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome and start to wonder what else was possible and pursue more goals! ♥😊

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