Making a change

August 16, 2021 Sandra Dawes

If you’re new to my blog, then this is a warning that I’m about to say something I’ll probably say in a blog post every once in a while. 😉

Everything happens for a reason.

I’m saying that this time because sometimes the things you want to happen without any effort on your part.

The company that I do freelance writing for changed how the assignments are made available to the writers. When I first read the announcement, I wondered why they decided to change things up. After I logged in last Monday and saw how it was laid out, I felt it was the answer I didn’t even know I was looking for! 🙂

It’s funny how things work out sometimes. I’m not a big fan of change without purpose. From my perspective, change has to be logical. There needs to be a positive impact that was intended when the change was made. This change gives me a bit more control over the flow of the assignments, AND I get to select jobs rather than having them assigned to me. I’m a big fan of options. 🙂

I feel like the universe is letting me know it has my back with this small change. It doesn’t impact me significantly, but it does make things easier. I wouldn’t be surprised if this change were influenced by feedback from other authors. I think that’s an essential part of initiating change if it affects others – getting input from other stakeholders.

If you make a change without consulting with the other people affected by that change, you’ll have a more difficult time getting them on board. You want everyone affected by the change to understand why the change is happening and the goal of making the change. Because I said so, isn’t a good enough reason.

Many people aren’t fans of change. They’re comfortable with the way things are and have no interest in learning how to do things differently. To get people who have this mindset on board, you have to show them how the change will positively impact them.

Sometimes things happen to raise our awareness of something that is a challenge for us. If change isn’t something you’re comfortable with, maybe it’s time to dig deeper and find out why that is. We’re a constant work in progress, and often the things that make us uncomfortable are just hurdles that, once we overcome them, will change our lives in ways we never thought possible.

Are you ready? ♥

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