Getting the help you need

March 14, 2021 Sandra Dawes

We’ve all heard it said that it’s important to be willing and able to ask for help. I agree that it’s important to ask for help. I would like to add that it’s important to get the right help. It doesn’t serve anyone to get help that causes more issues than it solves.

You have to be clear on the type of help you need. When you know what kind of help you need, you have a better idea of who is best suited to provide that help. If you need a mechanic, you’re going to ask someone who knows about cars, not someone who can do plumbing! You can end up being more frustrated than when you started when you get help from someone who isn’t suited for the job.

Of course we don’t want to appear ungrateful to those offering help, so it can be easy to say yes, even when you have doubts as to whether or not they can actually do what you need them to. As difficult as it can be, sometimes you have to refuse the help you’re offered to salvage your sanity and the relationship you have with the person offering the aid.

You want to avoid getting into a situation where the help you get causes more problems than it helps. That’s why it’s vital to have clarity on the type of help you need. Clarity is a game changer. When you know what kind of help you need, you know who to ask, or who to accept help from.

When you accept help from people who aren’t suited to give you the help you need, you can fall into the trap of thinking that it’s better to do it on your own. You don’t have to do it all on your own in order to get the job done. You can save yourself time and energy when you get the assistance you need from the right sources.

Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. The bigger your goals are, the more help you’re going to need to make them happen. There are going to be things that you’re going to have to surrender control of. You’re going to have to be able to trust the help you get to do the job you need help with. That why you have to be selective about the help you’re offered and be confident that it can get you where you want to be.

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