It’s all about your energy

February 28, 2021 Sandra Dawes

It’s been an interesting weekend. It started off starting to watch a movie on Netflix about quantum physics and energy. This isn’t new stuff for me, but it’s interesting that after starting that movie, the next day, I have a great conversation about energy with my accountant!

I believe that the movie and the conversation that followed were meant to serve as a reminder to be aware of my energy. It also reminded me that I have to be mindful of my thoughts and words because that determines my energy.

We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve started the day feeling really good about things, and a brief encounter with them shifts that energy. If you’re not careful, you can go from 10 to a quick 4, if not lower, in no time. The opposite is true as well, you can start not feeling your best, and a conversation with someone can take you from a 2 to an 8.

Think about the energy you carry regularly. What kind of thoughts are you having? Are they positive ones or negative? How’s life going for you right now? Are things looking positive, or are you feeling stuck, unhappy, or unfulfilled?

I know I’ve written about our ability to choose before, and I think it’s worth mentioning again here. Regardless of what’s going on in your life, you get to choose how you react to it. That doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to feel sad, disappointed, or any other negative emotion. It means that you can experience those thoughts and emotions and let them go, and focus on choosing a better feeling thought.

I believe it’s easier to shift from a negative mindset to a better feeling when we have an attitude of gratitude. When we take time throughout our day to express gratitude for all that we do have, it makes it harder to stay stuck feeling bad about ourselves, others, or a situation. No matter how bad things are, there is always something to be grateful for at the end of the day.

The more positive thoughts we have, the more of that energy we will exude. It’s also the kind of energy we will attract into our lives. When we’re experiencing a streak of bad luck, it’s often because of the negative energy around us. When we break the pattern of negative thoughts and energy, we break the cycle and move on to experiences that feel better. ♥

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