Challenge accepted

January 10, 2021 Sandra Dawes

Have you ever had something on your mind that you’ve thought would be cool if you accomplished, but the flame hasn’t quite sparked yet? I had 2 flames get sparked last week that have been lingering for some time. They were achievements that hadn’t quite made it to my bucket list yet, but they were honourable mentions. 😉

I don’t know if it’s the start of a new year or the fact that 2020 wasn’t as productive as I had wanted it to be, but both of the ideas that got sparked in me last week are not things that can be achieved without a great deal of effort on my end. One of them has a deadline of this Friday for submission, the next gives me until the end of 2021 to decide if I’m really up for the challenge.

I’ve noticed that things that I would have considered unreachable are now things that I am considering making a reality. It helps when you know people who have accomplished the things you want to do. I’m grateful that when I see people achieving awesome things, I don’t shift to jealousy of how they did what I haven’t. Seeing the amazing achievement of others tends to provide a gentle boot up the backside to remind me of my own dreams and I welcome the challenge to see if I can commit and focus to make them a reality.

I’m excited to see what happens with these sparks. I’ve already started to do the work necessary to meet my January 15th deadline. I’ve also started to research what exactly I need to do to get the ball rolling on the second spark. I’m grateful for the time to really think through this second spark because it’s going to mean a serious commitment of time and energy and I want to make sure I am prepared on all levels to tend to that spark in the best way possible.

I know as you reading this you may be curious to know what ideas the two sparks created. I’ll be honest and say that I’m not ready to share them with you yet. I’ve shared the thoughts percolating in my mind with my husband and a friend I trust. They are both very supportive and I love them for that! I’ll share what I submitted for the 15th in my next blog post. 😉 The one that’s due in December? Stay tuned… 🙂

The purpose of this post is to share that if there is something that you’ve wanted to do, and you’ve only ever thought of all the reasons why it’s not possible, I challenge you to think about how your life would change if you did do that thing. Consider not only what it would feel like to achieve the goal, but also think about the personal growth and development that will come as you dig deep to do the work needed.

When those two sparks hit me last week, I didn’t think that there wasn’t a way to make them possible. I knew it was going to take work and that are fears that I will have to overcome in order to do the things I want to do. I’m not worried about that though. As far as I’m concerned, challenge accepted! I can’t wait to share how everything works out. 🙂 ♥

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