What are you’re reflections telling you?

November 22, 2020 Sandra Dawes

I was listening to a recording of someone talking about the challenges of the lockdowns that have been taken place globally. He spoke about the fact that staying at home allows us to reflect on our surroundings. If the lockdown has offered you some time to reflect, what have those reflections revealed to you?

Have you learned new things about the people you live with? How do you feel about the different things that you’ve learned? What are you learning about yourself? Obviously, there are going to be things that are easier to accept than others. As we enter the tenth month of this pandemic, it can all feel a bit overwhelming (a bit?).

A lot of people are doing home renovations. Since traveling bans left people with vacation money unspent, it seems like many of us are making changes to our homes. Is it time for a fresh coat of paint, or do you have a project home project that’s been put on pause for too long because there’s never enough time?

I think in these times it can be comforting to focus on the things we do have control over. In times when very little feels like it’s within our control, focusing on the things that are within our control makes us feel better and not so hopeless. For some of us, that means taking up a new hobby, for others, it’s crossing things off a to-do list.

For me, navel-gazing was already something I was quite comfortable doing. I enjoy the time to reflect. I’ve been surprised at the things I’ve learned about myself in 2020. I think that this year has proven as a reminder that life is a constant lesson and the learning never stopped.

As much as I don’t enjoy the restrictions that limit my interactions with friends and family, I am grateful for the time that this lockdown has provided me with. There have been times where I felt like I was caught up in the rat race and this year has been a welcomed break from the craziness that I had allowed my life to become.

I’m grateful for the deep conversations that I’ve had and the sharing that has taken place this year. I also appreciate the slower pace and hope that I don’t fall back into old habits once things start to reopen. I’m looking to keep this pace for life into 2021 and beyond. ♥

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