What’s your excuse?

August 31, 2020 Sandra Dawes

It’s a question I asked myself this weekend. After watching Rising Phoenix on Netflix on Friday and then hearing of Chadwick Boseman’s passing on Saturday, it’s a thought that hasn’t left my mind. From hearing the stories of athletes not allowing what some perceive as a handicap to stop them or slow them down to realizing the work that Mr. Boseman accomplished while going through chemotherapy and surgeries I realize I have no excuse.

When I introduce myself as a “recovering control freak and excuse maker” something I say it to be funny, but it’s also very much the truth. In most cases, I can find a way to convince myself that the action I’m procrastinating on has a justifiable excuse. I’ve gotten better at calling myself out when this happens, but it is a constant work in progress.

It’s interesting to me that it seems to always take the unexpected passing of someone to make us reevaluate our lives. It serves as a reminder that our time here isn’t guaranteed. Sometimes it serves as a wake-up call to start creating the life we want. Unfortunately, sometimes this is only temporary and we return to old routines, thinking that we have all the time in the world to do the work we were put here to do.

If we want to make significant changes in our lives we have to stop arguing for our limitations and start working for what we want. The truth of the matter is that if you’re looking for a reason not to take action, you will find one. Excuses are very easy to come by, trust me, I know.

I also know that when I want something bad enough, I have found a way to make it happen. It hasn’t always been easy, but the things I have achieved through struggle are some of my most rewarding accomplishments. There’s nothing sweeter than making something happen that you once thought was impossible.

Here’s the thing – we don’t know when our time here will be up. Don’t wait for illness or the passing of a loved one to remind you that your time here is limited. Take action, do things that fulfill you, and stop looking for all the reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t. There are people out there doing more with less than you. Stop waiting for the stars to align or that perfect moment and just do it!

Excuses are a cop-out. It’s an easy way out when you’re not up for the challenge. It’s okay if you aren’t, you just need to be honest with yourself about it and take responsibility for your choice. If that doesn’t sit right with you, then it’s time to choose something different.

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