Breaking with tradition

November 19, 2018 Sandra Dawes

I remember hearing a talk where the speaker was talking about traditions. They share an example of a woman who had always seen her mother cut off the ends of a roast before putting it in the baking pan and placing it in the oven. When she started making her own roasts, she prepared them the same way. One day, while doing her prep, someone asked her why she cut the ends off the roast. Her response was “that’s how my mom always did it”. After being questioned, on a visit with her mom, she decided to ask her mom about it and her mom replies that it was the only way to get the roasts to fit in her pan!

I think that story sticks in my mind because I’ve done the same thing in my own life. I’m not talking about cutting the ends off a roast, since I can’t remember the last time I prepared, never-mind ate a roast! I’m talking about doing something because that’s how it’s always been done in my family without ever asking the reason why, simply assuming there had to be a reasonable explanation.

The truth is that we don’t have to do things the way they’ve been done in the past. So much has changed in the last 5 years, so when we think about 10 or 20 years ago, it can feel like a whole new world. When so much has changed, why would we think that we can’t or don’t have to?

I’m not saying that we have to get rid of all traditions and customs. I do believe that if the traditions or customs no longer serve us and our evolving beliefs and understanding, why do we continue with them? I think that it is possible to adapt our traditions and customs to changing times.

I know that it’s often easier said than done to adapt traditions and customs to changing times, but I do believe it’s necessary. I think that it is possible to maintain the essence of the tradition without feeling constricted by it. It’s not about abandoning your culture or your family. It’s about finding a way to hold on to what’s important in a way that works for you. Why chop off that valuable piece of roast if the whole thing can fit in your pan? 😉

I feel like communication is vital here. If you’re doing things because of tradition and you’ve never asked about the origins, the value or the importance of it, then I think you’re missing a valuable lesson and probably an entertaining or insightful story! We might not all be blessed to have access to family members that can share the history of traditions with us, but it’s definitely worth investigating, wouldn’t you say? ♥

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