Time to get real

November 5, 2018 Sandra Dawes

Okay, we’ve got less than two months left in 2018. It’s time to get real because there are goals that you set for yourself at the start of the year and it’s never too late to check on the progress you’ve made. I know that there were probably some rough patches and things you wish you had done better. The question is, what can you do differently in the next two months to get the results you want?

It’s time to be as honest with yourself as possible. What habits are working for you and which ones are working against you? Most of us don’t have to think too hard to figure out the answers. Knowing what we need to change is one thing. Doing something about it is a completely different matter.

We face this challenge whether our goals are personal or professional. We need to take time out to analyze what’s working and what isn’t working. If you’re spending a lot of time on your goals and not getting the results you want, then it is time to rethink the strategy. Either you need to hire out for the things that aren’t in your wheelhouse, or you need to take a course to gain the skills and knowledge to do those things in an effective and efficient way!

I know that tracking our progress is something that many of us avoid. We don’t want to face the reality that we’re not on track to make our goals a reality. If you’re fearful to take a look at your progress, you already have an idea that you’re not where you want to be. The opposite could be true as well though; you could be closer to realizing your goals than you think. You’ll never know for sure until you take the time to see where you really are.

Even if you realize that you’re not as close as you wanted to be to achieving your goals, the good news is that there’s still time! You have just under 2 months to make significant things happen. All you need is clarity on the vision, focus on the things you need to do to get you there and a willingness to take daily action to get you there.

What you have or haven’t accomplished in the last ten months doesn’t have to determine your success in 2018. You can do anything you put your mind to! What are you choosing to focus on accomplishing in the next 2 months? I look forward to celebrating your successes in December, as we head into a new year get ready to see what else is possible! ♥

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