Multitasking is overrated

May 6, 2018 Sandra Dawes

I used to be proud of my ability to multitask. I could be on the phone, respond to emails and maybe even have the TV going on in the background as well. I thought that focusing on one thing at a time was the most ineffective way to work. I now know better and even though I still catch myself trying to do too much at the same time, I know that it isn’t how I do my best work.

Laser focus is the way to get things done, if you want to get it done right the first time. When I try to do too much at once, something always suffers. I know that when I’m on the phone and trying to do other things, I’m not giving the work I’m doing or the conversation I’m having my full attention.

Have you ever been trying to have a conversation with someone while their focus is occupied by their phone or tablet? My partner’s focus is so terrible, that I have confessed to some of the most ridiculous things to get a reaction and just gotten a simple uh-huh, if any reaction at all! While that’s been fun, it can be frustrating when you’re trying to get someone’s attention to talk about something serious and you know that they’re focus is somewhere else.

Focusing on one was the key to me completing the first draft of my book in 6 weeks. I didn’t do any client calls. To be honest, I don’t even think I did much, if anything on social media at that time! I was 100% focused on the goal of getting the first draft done by the end of August because my publisher told me that would guarantee that I would have the book in my hand before the holiday. My goal was to write 4 pages a day. Some days I surpassed that goal, and other days I sat staring at my laptop screen. Regardless of whether I met that target every day, it was always the intention that I started my day with. The end result? First draft done by the end of August and physical books delivered to my home by the first week of November.

That was the first time I realized the power of focusing on one thing at a time. I had been talking about writing a book for 3 years. I even tried doing a 60 day writers challenge and got 130 plus pages completed, but couldn’t find a way to finish it. I was able to get the work done in 6 weeks because I had quit my job and had no excuses to not get it done. Not only did I finally have the time, but I was 100% committed to making my dream of being a published author a reality.

I know that quitting your job isn’t an option for everyone when it comes to freeing up your time to focus on your goals. I do believe that we have to put time aside for our goals if we want to make them a reality. Forget trying to do too much at once! If you don’t focus your time and energy, you’re not going to get the results you want and just be left frustrated and annoyed.

Let go of the need to multitask and try laser focus instead. Give it a try for a week and see what happens. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments! ♥

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