Measuring your progress

February 4, 2018 Sandra Dawes

“You have to know your numbers!”  I have heard this numerous times. A business coach I worked with several years ago, would repeat it so much that it may as well have been the mantra of the program I was working with her in. At the time, I didn’t get it, but now I do.

This year I’ve decided to track my progress in a way I haven’t before. At the start of the year, I worked on my marketing plan and set targets for where I want to be at the end of the year. Of course, I practiced what I preach and broke down the gap between where I am and where I want to be into manageable chunks. I divided the difference by 12 so I could track my progress on a monthly basis.

Well, we’ve just wrapped up January and after tracking how I did in January, I know I need to step things up in February! This isn’t to say that I didn’t make any progress at all, but it does mean that I didn’t reach my targets in most of the areas I’m tracking. This wasn’t a surprise to me. I was still in the midst of getting settle in the new house and hadn’t really done anything different from last year.

It was a wake-up call that showed me that maintaining the status quo isn’t going to get me where I want to be this year. My word for 2018 is Consistency. I plan to be consistent about measuring my progress on a regular basis this year. There have been times in the past where June has rolled around and I’m wondering what I’ve accomplished in the last six months!

Measuring your progress is vital to successfully achieving your goals. If you’re not measuring your progress, you won’t know if what you’re doing is getting the results you want or not. You could be getting results, but not at the speed or level that you want it to. You don’t want to wait until the end of the year to realize that you’ve been busy working away at things that haven’t gotten you closer to accomplishing your goals!

Whether it’s losing weight, saving money or growing your business, tracking your progress is a must! If you’re not moving forward the way you want to, think about what you can do differently. Ask for advice from people who have achieved the kinds of goals you’re working towards. Get help if you need it. There’s no point in feeling busy, overwhelmed and frustrated because things aren’t working out. Remember, you can always choose to try another path to get to your destination! ♥

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