What are you waiting for?

January 29, 2018 Sandra Dawes

This weekend, Facebook shared a memory of a post that served as a great reminder that we aren’t guaranteed a certain length of time on this earth. It was an image that said “We worry about tomorrow like it’s promised.”  As morbid as it may seem, the reality is that we don’t know when our time on this earth will be up.

Whether it’s about creating your legacy or pursuing your dreams, the best time to start is now! We have to stop waiting for the perfect moment or the stars to align to do the things that we want to do. If you want to go back to school, start your own business or look for a new job; stop putting it off!

I know from personal experience that if you’re looking for an excuse not to take action on your dreams, you’ll find it. I also know that when you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen. When we’re driven, we can make what once seemed impossible, possible.

How would your life be different if you knew that this year was the last year of your life? Would you still stay in that job that makes you dread Mondays and count-down to Fridays? Would you continue to find an excuse for why you can’t take that trip you’ve been dreaming about for years? I think that most of us would be living a completely different life if we were aware that our time was limited.

If we truly understood that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, we wouldn’t be so controlled by our fears. We would live life to the fullest because we know that we have to make the most of the time we have. We would speak our minds, we would make time for the ones we love, and we would find a way to make our dreams a reality in the time we have left.

I know that our mortality isn’t something that most of us want to think about. The truth of the matter is that we don’t have unlimited time to do the things we want to do, or the things that we are being called to do. If we want live a life without regrets, then we have to find a way to take small steps each day to bring us closer to making our dreams a reality.

If you aren’t taking the time to do things that you love to do, things that fulfill you and allow you to share you gifts with the world then I have one question for you – What are you waiting for? ♥

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