Adjusting the plan

May 22, 2017 Sandra Dawes

Have you ever felt like a plan you put together has taken a life of its own? Instead of feeling like the plan is getting you closer to the achievement of a goal, it seems to simply be an exercise in frustration. It happens to the best of us. Somewhere along the way, the focus shifted from achieving the goal to executing the plan.

It’s important to remember that the plan was created using the knowledge and understanding that you had at that time. Once you put that plan into action, things change. You learn new things; you meet new people and opportunities that you never knew existed, will be presented to you.

If you’re too committed to the plan, you won’t even notice the opportunities that come your way, or you’ll perceive them as a distraction. When presented with opportunities, ask yourself whether they will bring you closer to or further from your goal. If you think it could bring you closer, it’s okay to go ahead and give it a try, even if it wasn’t in the plan!

As someone who still struggles with control issues, I know how frustrating it can be when we’re asked to do something that wasn’t in the plan. That being said, I also know what it’s like when you try something that wasn’t in the plan and things work out better than you even planned! The key is to have an open mind and be willing to do things that challenge you to step outside your comfort zone.

I’ve never sailed, so I can’t give you a well thought out analogy about adjusting your sails so that you still reach your final destination in rough waters. What I can tell you is that adjusting the plan is like heading out on a road-trip and encountering a road closure half-way through your journey. Are you going to head back home, or are you going to look for an alternate route to get to your destination?

There’s nothing wrong with adjusting your plans. As long as you know where you want to go, it’s up to you to decide the path you want to take to get you there. The plan is your guide to the actions you will take to make your goals a reality. If you don’t feel like the actions you’re taking are getting you closer to the realization of your dreams, adjust the plan. Ask for guidance and support in the areas you need it, and most importantly, enjoy the ride! ♥


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