My Top 5 Survival tools

April 2, 2017 Sandra Dawes

I love tools. Whether it’s a handy screwdriver or wrench or a social media scheduling app, I love tools for giving me the ability to get things done efficiently! There are so many different tools available to us. I think my best tools are the intangible ones, the one’s that help me seek light in dark times. Here are my top 5 survival tools:


  1. Meditation

    My day is never the same if I don’t get in at least 10 minutes of mediation first thing in the morning. There’s something to be said about taking the time in quiet contemplation before starting the day. I love guided meditations to help me focus my thoughts! If I’m feeling totally frazzled, I know 10 minutes will give me the quiet I need to move on with clarity.


  1. Journaling

    Writing down my thoughts, ah-ha moments and mental ramblings is like therapy to me. I’m not as consistent as I’d like to be, but I know that when things aren’t flowing the way I want them to, nothing helps me work through my thoughts more than scribbling them in a pretty notebook 😉 Whether it’s taking time out to express gratitude for all my blessings when I’m feeling sorry for myself, or celebrating successes I want to remember them for the next book (!), journaling has definitely helped with my peace of mind!


  1. Positive Affirmations

    If you’ve been reading my blog, have heard me do a talk or read my book, you already know I’m a big fan of affirmations! I’ve still got a few that are my go-to’s whenever I feel some old, not useful negative thoughts kicking around in my head. My walls aren’t covered in yellow sticky notes or coloured index cards anymore, but I still have some keepers hanging around 🙂


  1. Inspirational & Motivational Books

    A long-time book nerd, I don’t know what I would do or where I would be if it weren’t for books. It was the writings of Esther Hicks with Abraham and Wayne Dyer that put me on the path I’m on today. If I’m feeling stuck or lost, there’s always a book I can turn to that will help put things in perspective and remind me of things I already know.


  1. Music

    Just like books, music helped me a lot. There are songs I felt were written for heartbreaks I’ve experienced and there are songs that I felt were created to kick me in the butt and motivate me to live my best life. If I need to feel better about the way things or going or get really pumped for a talk I’m doing or an event I’m hosting, I know exactly what playlist I need to hear!


Honourable Mention:

I think I could have made a top 10 list after starting this post! I feel like I should give an honourable mention to the people in my life who I can laugh with. Where would any of us be if we didn’t have someone we could laugh with, even when things feel like they’re at their lowest?

What are your favourite survival tools? What helps you get through the rough patches? Share in the comments below.

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