No regrets!

March 12, 2017 Sandra Dawes

Watching programs and seeing common themes seems to be a trend with me these days. This weekend’s theme was all about living life to the fullest. Regardless of age, people were talking about living a life of joy and happiness – a fulfilled life.

Do you have things that you have wanted to do that you haven’t made time for? Maybe there’s a friend that you want to reconnect with, but you haven’t reached out yet. Perhaps it’s your bucket list of places you want to travel to, but you haven’t started working on a plan to cross the first country off your list.

The thing is that as much as our logical mind knows that we won’t live forever, most of us live our lives like we have all the time in the world! If you want to learn a new skill or see a part of the world you’ve never seen before, what are you waiting for? I’m not trying to be morbid, but the reality is that anything can happen at any time. Stop waiting for the perfect time and work on creating it instead!

At the risk of sounding like I’m waxing poetic, I think that it’s important to remember that the fact that we’re here, right here, right now is a gift. We aren’t here to live a passive life. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that we were given this opportunity to experience life so that we could watch episodes from the Real Housewives franchise or complain about the dreams we’ve chosen to leave unrealized!

I know that at times it can feel like creating the live we want is impossible. It isn’t a straight, simple journey. There are challenges and heartbreak. The good thing is that these experiences show us what we’re made of and what we can endure. Think about the last time you were in a difficult situation. It might have seemed like there was no way out at the time, but here you are!

It’s okay to dream big! The important thing to remember is that it can’t stop with the dream. We have to take action, in spite of our fears or beliefs that tell us it can’t and won’t work. Stop waiting for the right moment and realize that you have the power to create that moment, whenever you’re ready! Stop being your worst critic and start becoming your biggest cheerleader.

Think about it; do you want to live a mediocre life where when you look back, all you can talk about are the old movies and television shows you used to watch, or do you want to reminisce about all the amazing experiences you’ve had? I know what kind of memories I want to create, and I’m going to start creating them now! What are you going to do with your gift of life today? ♥

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