Not Your Average Career Fair Press Release

February 13, 2017 Sandra Dawes

Contact: Sandra Dawes                                                                            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Tel. 416.543.8952
Email: [email protected]
Date: 2/14/2017

A different kind of Career Fair for Students

Today’s youth aren’t average, why should their career choices be?


Too many students are graduating with expensive pieces of paper and very little else. From unemployment to underemployment, being a post-secondary graduate may not guarantee much more than a hefty student loan debt to repay. This is the issue that inspired founder, Sandra Dawes to create this event in 2015 and bring it back this year.

The Not Your Average Career Fair will take place on Saturday May 13th from 9 am to 4 pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in the North Building at 255 Front Street West in Toronto. This event is free for all to attend.

Organizer Sandra Dawes explains her motivation for the event: “When I was in high school, I was told that if I wanted to make ‘good money’ I needed a degree. It wasn’t necessarily the truth then, and it doesn’t seem like it is getting better – it’s time to take a more diversified look at post-secondary options.”

Showcasing exhibitors that provide training in holistic and naturopathic healing modalities, entrepreneurship, skilled trades and the arts, this event wants to highlight alternatives to traditional college and university for youth as well as adults in career transition. There will be a panel discussion on “Doing what you love and earning a living”.  This will be a day to talk to instructors, professionals in the field and discover what’s possible for the future.

About Embrace Your Destiny

Embrace Your Destiny was founded by Sandra Dawes in 2009.  Sandra is an author, speaker and certified life coach. She specializes in working with clients teaching them how to overcome their limiting beliefs, get clear on their goals and create the life that they want. She is passionate about helping others connect with their passion so that they can live a fulfilled life and share their gifts with the world. Sandra has facilitated workshops on a volunteer basis with a local youth shelter for two years. Topics ranged from vision board workshops and affirmations to dealing with stress and building your legacy.

To learn more visit, or call us at 416.543.8952



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