Getting back on track

February 6, 2017 Sandra Dawes

I heard on the radio last week that February 2nd is the day that most people give up on their diets and head to a fast-food restaurant. Establishing new, healthy habits can be challenging. I guess after 31 days or more, if you haven’t seen any benefits from trying something new, it can be tempting to go back to doing things the way you were doing them before.

It can be easy to beat yourself up about the fact that you went back to your old way of doing things. The good news is that you don’t have to stay off track! You can simply make the decision to get back to establishing and reinforcing the new habits you were creating.

Sometimes we need support in doing what we know needs to be done to bring us closer to the achievement of our goals. If you’ve been reading my blog posts for a while or listened to any of my webinars, you know that I don’t believe that we can achieve our most meaningful goals without support. One of the ways to do this is to find an accountability partner to help you stay focused on your goals.

Merriam-Webster defines accountability as: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. An accountability partner works with you to keep you honest about the progress you’re making towards your goals. They don’t just keep you accountable, they celebrate your successes, and work with you to stay focused on accomplishing your goals.

The relationship you have with an accountability partner can be as formal or informal as you choose. It’s really about figuring out what kind of support you need. How often do you need to check in? How will you check in? These are all things to take into consideration when seeking an accountability partner.

Of course, if you need more formal support, you can find accountability with a coach or mentor. In this type of arrangement, the relationship isn’t a reciprocal one where you are also providing support. With a coach or mentor, the focus is on you and your needs.

Regardless of the route you choose, you won’t regret finding an accountability partner. Having someone who can hold you accountable to the activities you’ve identified as important to the realization of your goals, is important. If you’re struggling to stay on track, an accountability partner may be just what you’re looking for! ♥

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