Celebrating your accomplishments

January 1, 2017 Sandra Dawes

As we start the New Year, I thought it was the perfect time to talk about celebrating your accomplishments (again). I’ve written posts in the past about ways to get ready for the New Year or how to close out the year and celebrating our accomplishments is always something I recommend. I thought I might as well dedicate an entire blog post to the topic.

Celebrating our accomplishments may seem like a cheesy, trivial thing to do, but don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it! No matter how horrible the past year may have seemed there are always things to celebrate. The fact that you’re here to see another year should be at the top of the list!

We often think that we should only celebrate the big wins: getting the job, reaching your target weight or going on that dream vacation. The truth is that we experience lots of smaller wins that we tend to take for granted. Whether it was completing a project on time, or being able to lend a helping hand in a pinch, we’ve done something during the year that made a positive contribution to someone, and that should be celebrated!

When we take the time to focus on the good that has happened in our lives, we’re able to use that energy and ask ourselves what else is possible? as we enter the New Year. Reviewing our accomplishments is a positive way to close out the year and sets the tone for how we head into the year ahead. If you really want to benefit from this practice, you make this part of your monthly goal review.

Acknowledging what is working helps you focus on those things and be open to uncovering ways to do more of what is helping you make progress on your goals. It can be easy to let disappointments discourage us. We have to make sure that we don’t allow those challenges to paralyze us. If our goals are important to us we have to remind ourselves constantly about why we are committing to see our goals through their accomplishment. Frequently taking stock of our accomplishments, helps us to stay committed to our goals. It reminds us that no matter how ineffective we may feel that our efforts are, we are making progress!

This isn’t to say that we should ignore the challenges and disappointments. By no means am I encouraging sticking our heads in the sand. I think it’s important to also review what didn’t work, not to make ourselves feel bad, but in order to learn from those experiences and develop a plan so that we don’t have repeat them.

What accomplishments from 2016 do you want to celebrate? Please share in the comments! ♥

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