Finding Your Passion

December 19, 2016 Sandra Dawes

I’ve been watching a lot of movies lately. Thanks to the weather we’ve been having, staying at home under the covers is the best place to be! Passion seems to be a common theme in the movies I’ve been watching. I’m not talking about passion in a sexual sense, but more in terms of what are you so passionate about that you are willing to risk everything to make it happen?

I remember attending a workshop a year ago where the facilitator said that the issue for many of us in staying committed to our goals is that they don’t excite us. Are you thinking it’s impractical to think that all our goals are about doing things that excite us? Consider this – if the end result of achieving a goal doesn’t really motivate us, then how will persevere through challenging times?

I know that there’s a lot of talk these days about monetizing your passion. As great as it sounds, it’s not everyone’s reality. Whether you can make a living pursing your passion or not, your passion shouldn’t be ignored. Pursuing our passion, the thing or things that make us feel that this is what we were put on this earth to do, is the key to achieving fulfillment.

If you’re thinking as you read this that you don’t know what your passion is, ask yourself this question:

What would you be doing if time and money were not an issue?

It may take you some time to really let go and let your mind consider that time and money aren’t an issue so that you can truly visualize what it is you would be doing right now without those limitations, but give it a try!

The New Year brings with it the opportunity for a fresh start. The truth is, you don’t have to wait for January 1 to begin thinking about your passion and putting together a plan to really make it a part of your life. Our passions don’t have to become the main focus of our lives. If we continue to ignore their existence however, we will always feel like something is missing and those nagging feelings of not being fulfilled will persist.

What’s your passion? What are you committing to making more time for in 2017? Share in the comments! ♥

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