Releasing your burdens

November 21, 2016 Sandra Dawes

Have you ever been holding on to something for such a long time that when you finally do release it, it feels like a dam has burst? I feel like I’m going through something like this at the moment. I’ll blame it on last weeks’ Super-moon 😉

November is a reflective time of year for me. If you’ve been reading my blog posts, you know that this is the time of year that I start to review the current year and start making plans for 2017. It’s not just a reviewing and setting goals though. November 26th 2004 is the date my father passed away. It was this one event in my life that has had the most impact on the way I’m living my life today in so many ways.

One of the ways that I’ve changed since his passing is my ever growing self-awareness. It’s a constant work in progress. As part of my year in review I’ve been thinking about what I need to do to take my life to the next level in all ways and things have come bubbling to the surface!

We all have things that we’re holding on to that don’t really serve us. Whether it’s old habits, resentments or beliefs, we’re carrying stuff around that’s making difficult to move forward. It reminds me of the words Erykah Badu’s song Bag Lady:

Bag lady you gone hurt your back
Dragging all them bags like that
I guess nobody ever told you
All you must hold onto, is you, is you, is you

The song goes on to give advice to pack light. I love this song because it works on a literal level as well as a metaphoric level. It’s about letting go of holding on to material things because you are enough as you are, and to let go of the emotional baggage that’s hurting you as well.

I should warn you that as you start to unload, you may lose your balance for a minute. Sometimes we’re so used to carrying those heavy burdens that we have to reset ourselves to get used to going through life with a lighter load. Sure it may be uncomfortable at first, but wait until you see where you can go now that you’re not travelling with excess baggage!

You’ll be surprise at how much faster you’re able to achieve benchmarks to bring you closer to you goals. Insights will start coming, connections will be made and you’ll feel like your flowing through life rather than feeling like you’re spinning your wheels in mud, or worse – drowning in a sea of overwhelm.

What do you need to do to release your burden? Do you need to work on forgiveness of yourself or someone else? Is it time to declutter your home? Or is it time to kick a habit that’s holding you back from moving forward in your life? Whatever it is you need to release; now’s the time to let it go. There’s no need to bring that stuff into the New Year!

Here’s to making 2017 your best year yet! 🙂

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