Mastermind Magic

November 13, 2016 Sandra Dawes

The Jump Start Your Year Retreat wrapped up this afternoon and it turned out better than I ever imagined! Today marks the 5 year anniversary of the first workshop I ever ran. It was the Jump Start Your Year workshop. A 3 hour workshop that I hosted at a gluten-free, vegan restaurant that served the most delicious food 🙂

I’ve done this workshop in many different ways since that November 13, 2011. I’ve done it as a full day workshop, and a 1-to-1 VIP day. This year, I decided that I wanted to try it as a weekend retreat and I’m so happy I did! It’s amazing what can happen in a weekend when a group of women come together and support one another in making their goals a reality.

This weekend reminded me of the power of the mastermind. The weekend started off with a group of women who wanted to work on their individual goals. As the weekend got underway and everyone started sharing what they wanted to do, they each started supporting each other in finding ways of making those goals a reality.

The brainstorming sessions were continuous. Challenges were issued to step outside comfort zones and to dream big and take action. There were honest conversations and shared experiences that reminded everyone in the room that as much as our experiences are different, our struggles are often the same.

It was great to watch women coming together to support and encourage each other! So often we have goals and lack the support we need to stay committed to making them a reality. To see a group of women who weren’t friends prior to this weekend come together in a loving and supportive way to encourage each other to make their dreams come true was awesome. It was an opportunity to see Napoleon Hill’s mastermind concept take form in real life!

There were many moments of clarity, suggestions that made goals seem that much more possible and constant affirmations that what each other was working on was indeed possible. I can’t wait to see who each of these women’s goals unfold. We’ve already got a tentative date to meet up again in June, not only to check-in on how things are going, but to take those goals to the next level! ♥

I can’t wait to do it all again, maybe you can join us next time 🙂

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