What’s holding you back?

September 18, 2016 Sandra Dawes

In a few weeks we’ll be heading into the final quarter of 2016. If the thought of the year coming to a close is causing you a bit of anxiety, I have good news. Regardless of how much you may feel like you haven’t accomplished this year, there’s still time to make 2016 your best year yet!

The first thing you need to do is get clarity on what it is you want to achieve. If you really want to give your goals some power, get a pen and paper and write down one goal that you want to achieve before the end of the year. Don’t be surprised if this simple exercise brings up some more anxiety. Once we start to really think about what we want, our mind starts freaking out – how will it happen? I’ve never done anything like that before! What if I fail?

Since these thoughts are unavoidable, we might as well give them some attention. Go ahead and make a list of all the reason why you don’t think the goal you identified is possible. When you’ve got that done, go back over that list and ask yourself how true any of those statements are. If you’re not sure how you can make your goal a reality, who can you ask for guidance? If the fact you’ve never achieved something like your goal before, think about all the times you’ve learned how to do something you didn’t know how to do at one time.

Here’s the thing, excuses aren’t hard to find. If you’re looking for a reason not to take action on your goal, you will find one. Go back to you goal. Make a list of the reasons why this goal is important to you. Think about what achieving your goal will mean for you. If the reason why you identified your chosen goal is important enough, then you shouldn’t be looking for reason why you shouldn’t take action. Instead, you should be looking for ways to make that goal a reality!

Making our goals a reality isn’t an easy thing. It takes commitment, focus and persistence. There are going to be challenges, setbacks and lots of surprises on the way. You can take these as a sign that your goal isn’t meant to be, or you can look at them as a test to see how bad you really want it.

There’s a reason why Napoleon Hill dedicates an entire chapter to Persistence in the book Think and Grow Rich. It’s because it’s one of the most important traits we can have that will help us successfully achieve our goals. It’s about never giving up, it’s about not looking for excuses.

Don’t let your fears hold you back from achieving your goals. Stop making excuses for why your goals aren’t possible and start focusing on what your life will look like once you achieve them. Remember that the only thing holding you back from achieving your goals is you. When you’re ready to do something different, be prepared for the universe to conspire with you to make your goals a reality.

If you’d like some help to get clarity on your goals, I invite you to book a complimentary Clarity Session with me! ♥

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