Claim what you want!

August 21, 2016 Sandra Dawes

This past weekend I thought I would go through my 2016 planning workbooks and see how many of the 100 things I wanted to accomplish this year I had actually achieved. I have to admit I was a little hesitant. I hadn’t actually looked at the list, since I wrote it 8 months ago, while enjoying the hot Jamaican sun in January 🙂 I was happy that I was able to check some of the items off that list, but one really stood out.

Most of the things on my list were things I have control over; read at least 10 books, unsubscribe to lists that I receive emails from that I never read, and organize my closet. A few of the things on the list were wishful things. Things that would be nice to achieve this year, but not really things I thought I had any way of actually making happen.

Imagine my surprise when I saw “win an award” on my list. I can honestly say that I can’t even remember why I IMG-20160724-WA006wrote it or what I was thinking – but there it was, on my list! You can see the certificate I received for being chosen as one of the Role Models at the Canadian Black Women’s Awards in July! It was a nice reminder that writing down your goals does work, even if you’re not looking at them every day. It’s all about stating your intentions, claiming what you want, putting it out there to the universe.

Everything happens for a reason, so I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I made this discovery at the same time I’ve started reading Pam Grout’s book E-Squared. I’m looking forward to doing the 9 energy experiments to prove that our thoughts really do create our reality. If you want to join me, it’s not too late! I don’t know if Amazon still has the Kindle version of the book on sale, either way I think it will prove to be a worthwhile investment.

After seeing what’s possible with a list I wrote 8 months ago and haven’t given any attention to since then, I can’t wait to see what I can manifest when I give my desires full, concentrated effort. I promise to report back with my findings once I’ve completed all the experiments! If you would like to join me in these experiments, pop over to the Our Daily Miracles Facebook page where participants will be sharing their findings along the way. 🙂

Whether you decide to join me in doing the experiments or not, I highly suggest that you start writing down the things you want. Put it out there, state your intentions and claim what you want as yours. What’s the worst that could happen? ♥

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