Gratitude isn’t the same as complacency

July 10, 2016 Sandra Dawes

When I was a child I used to hear that I should be grateful for what I have. I always interpreted that to mean that I should be satisfied enough with what I had that I shouldn’t want more. The understanding was that wanting more meant that I wasn’t happy with all that I already had.

I now understand that gratitude is about being grateful for life’s current blessings and that there is nothing wrong with wanting more. Being grateful doesn’t have to mean that I don’t want more. It means that I acknowledge all that I do have and focus on that in order to attract more of it into my life!

In on one of my yoga DVD’s instructed by Patricia Moreno, she shares that gratitude is the greatest multiplier of good and I believe this to be true. I know from personal experience that when I focused on the things that I didn’t want in my life, it seemed that’s all I got. Once I started doing a gratitude journal, things started to shift.

Taking time to express gratitude on a daily basis helped me to realize that even on the worst days, there was still a lot to be grateful for. That was a huge revelation for me. I no longer had an excuse to allow a bad day to swallow me whole. Sure there may have been some dark moments, but at the end of the day, there was a lot that was going right. I was never in a position where I didn’t have a roof over my head or food in my fridge.

It’s okay to be grateful for all that we do have and still want more. Wanting more doesn’t make us ungrateful. It’s a sign that we are constantly changing. As we grow and evolve, our wants, needs and desires change as well.

They say that it takes 21 days to start a new habit. Join me for 21 days of gratitude starting on Monday March 5. To participate you need to request to join the Our Daily Miracles Facebook Group. Let’s express our gratitude for life’s blessings and attract more to be grateful for!

You can watch a video I put together to talk a bit more about gratitude below (don’t mind the date – this was for the first challenge I ran back in July 2016) 😉

What are you grateful for today? ♥

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