June 15, 2015 Sandra Dawes

I’d like to thank Dwania Peele for inviting me to be a part of I C Publishing’s Summer Blog Tour 2015. If you don’t blogknow Dwania, she is the Owner and Executive Director of Canadian Small Business Women, a company soon-to-be the number one provider of business resources for women who are current or aspiring business owners in Canada. The CSBW connect, teach and inspire through online resources, networking events, Seminars and Expos across Ontario. You can learn more about what she does at

If you’d like to read more of the contributions in this series, you can find them on I C Publishing’s website: www.ICPublishing.caSheri Andrunyk is the founder of I C Publishing (tour sponsor) and the I C Bookstore, entrepreneur expert, mentor, and author of Working From Home & Making It Work and Hearts Linked by Courage. She is writing two more books this year, and is extremely passionate about providing more choices, resources, and high level support to other writers, business professionals, wellness coaches, and spiritual mentors.

Bites and Blogs: What are your tips for creating meaningful content for social media? How do you determine what blogs you’re going to write, and why? How do you remain consistent? How do you know you’re on the right track?

Meaningful content has to have a foundation in authenticity. It can be easy to think that writing about hot topics is the best way to increase readership, if it doesn’t fit with the mission and vision of your site, it won’t work. Find a way to make it fit, or don’t do it.

I write a lot based on personal experiences and observations. I like sharing the lessons I’ve learned and insights I’ve gained. I do a weekly newsletter, so that keeps my blogging consistent. Reading books and discussions with friends and colleagues also gives me a constant flow of ideas of possible topics to write about.

I know I’m on the right track when readers connect with the post and comment and share the content. Invitations to contribute to other websites have also been a positive sign! 🙂

Talks: What steps do you take to create new workshops, programs, or keynotes?

Once I get the inspiration to start a new project, I always look at what the end goal is. I then start to work on the ways I can go about achieving that result. I love brainstorming with my mastermind and getting their feedback. When I start something, I can get so immersed that I can’t see the forest for the trees sometimes, so other perspectives are helpful and needed.

Books: Everyone has a story, some a book. If you’ve written a book, what was your creative process? What encouragement would you give others just beginning their book writing journey?

I had been thinking about writing a book for years, before I finally published Embrace Your Destiny: 12 Steps to Living the Life You Deserve in the fall of 2013. I was able to get the first draft of the book done in six weeks because I was clear on what I wanted to accomplish with it. Once you know what you want your book to accomplish, everything will start to come together much easier.

What advice would you give your younger self?

 There are 3 things I would tell my younger self:

  • Don’t spend so much time trying to please others
  • Trust your instincts
  • You are enough, no matter what you might thing

What are you working on now, and how can we, as a collective community, help?

I’m launching my Fabulous Focused Group Accountability Program in July to help participants stay focused on their goals throughout the summer and beyond! You can learn more about this program here. This is a great program for anyone working on their book who wants to stay on track in developing their content or anyone with a big goal they want to stay focused on making a reality!

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