You’ve Got to Believe

April 20, 2015 Sandra Dawes

I’m so glad to be back to a daily reading habit! I’ve forgotten how powerful it is to read a book that is designed to Belief imageshare wisdom and inspire on a regular basis. I’m grateful that the 90 Day Mental Fitness Challenge has reintroduced this positive habit into my life.

One of the great reminders that I received last week had to do with the importance of believing in yourself and your dreams. I know that I have sabotaged myself in the past because I have pursued goals with doubt in my mind and in my heart. I wanted those goals to manifest, but I allowed fear of the disappointment I would experience if it didn’t work out to stop me from going full throttle.

What I’ve come to realize, and what my daily reading is reminding me of, is the fact that this lack of belief, the fear of failure, simply leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. My lack of faith that I have what it takes to make my goals a reality is the very reason I haven’t been able to achieve many of the goals that I have pursued in my life. In the past I have excused this as my way of managing my expectations, but I know better now.

What is the point in pursuing a goal that I don’t believe is possible? That’s the real question. If I don’t believe it’s possible, then I’ve already cut myself off from being open to opportunities that present themselves to make it happen. It’s easier to give up at the first sign of difficulty or failure, because I’ve already told myself this wasn’t going to work out. This kind of thinking can lead to a vicious cycle where pursuing goals that we deem “impossible” and proving ourselves right, lowers our self-confidence for the next goal we attempt to pursue.

I know that belief is a key factor in success in achieving our goals. This isn’t just information I’ve read in books, but I’ve also experience this truth first hand. At the end of 2012, when I started my first Think and Grow Rich Mastermind Group, I put this into practice. When I created my statement of desire and listed the things I needed to do to make that goal achievable, the last thing I wrote on my list was “BELIEVE THAT IS IT POSSIBLE!”

I did believe, and those goals did become a reality. The things I listed included, writing my book, becoming a speaker and getting clear on the type of client I wanted to work with. I did all of those things in 2013, including leaving my full-time job! I know that my belief that those things were possible was a vital part of my ability to keep going through challenging times. The fact that I had success with those goals, made pursuing bigger goals seem even more possible.

Believe. Believe that you can do it, believe that you are worthy of the success you want, believe that it is possible. You’ll be surprised at the difference that it makes and what it allows you to achieve. ♥

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