5 Daily Habits for Success

March 30, 2015 Sandra Dawes

I’m excited about starting my 90 Day Mental Fitness challenge in a few weeks. From what I’ve seen from the 7 Day Your-potential-to-succeed-is-based-on-the-bad-habits-you-decide-to-leavepreview, it covers mindset as well as reviewing daily habits that will keep you focused and moving steadily towards the achievement of whatever you want to accomplish. I know from experience that positive daily habits contribute to success. Here is my list of 5 daily habits that I believe contribute to success.

  1. Daily meditation practice

    Things really shifted in my life when I started a regular meditation practice. I never thought I’d be very good at meditation. Normally I can’t sit still for more than 5 minutes! Experiment with the different methods that are out there. I’ve tried guided meditations, chanting mantras, or just sitting in silence. You’ll be amazed at the clarity and openness it provides.

  1. Setting your intention for the day

    How will you know if you’ve had a successful day if you don’t have an idea of what you want to accomplish? Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve on a daily basis will actually help you to accomplish it. When you focus on your goals, the opportunities to make them a reality will reveal themselves.


  1. Journaling

    Writing a daily journal helps you to review your day. What worked? What didn’t work? What ideas do you want to get more information on? I find that journaling helps to organize my thoughts. I find it easier to sort things out when I’m writing them down. Sometimes it’s in the journaling that the Eureka moment happens! 🙂


  1. Exercise

    We’ve all heard about the benefits of having a daily workout routine. You don’t have to be hitting the gym hard, but you do need to be active. Whether it’s taking a walk in nature or running on a treadmill, exercise is a great way to relieve stress and clear the mind. We have to take care of ourselves if we want the energy to do the things we want to do. You can’t give 100% if you’re not at your best.


  1. Expressing gratitude

    I talk about gratitude a lot. I believe that a daily gratitude practice is a great way to maintain a positive mindset, which is so important in achieving success in life. When you take the time to think about all that you have to be grateful for on a daily basis, you realize that every day is a good day, even if bad things happened.

What habits are you practicing on a daily basis? Are they bringing you closer or keeping you from achieving your goals? It’s never too late to create habits that serve you better and will help you to do the things that mean the most to you. We all have habits that no longer serve us that we hold on to. We can let go of them at any time, we just have to be aware of how our habits are helping or hurting us and then we can create a game plan to rid ourselves of the negative habits and create positive ones. ♥

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