Spring Cleaning

March 23, 2015 Sandra Dawes

When I was younger, I didn’t really understand the concept of spring cleaning. Housework never excited me, so the idea of doing even more at a particular time of year just seemed like torture! As a “grown-up” I understand the importance of spring cleaning, especially since my organizational skills are pretty much the same as they were in my teens 😉

These days, I have a more holistic approach to my spring cleawhich (which, for some reason, my typing fingers want to call spring clearing – Freudian slip, anyone?). Spring cleaning isn’t just about putting away our winter clothes and giving our living space a good clean. I like to think of spring cleaning as an opportunity to reset and prepare for a new phase in the year. Here are three ways to spring clean your mind, body, and soul:

  1. Declutter your home.If you’re’re like me, this one can be a challenge. I am a paper hoarder. I’m always concerned that I’ll through something away just a few days before I actually need it. Since it is tax season as well, I like to go through everything and put aside a day to bond with my shredder. Decluttering opens up your living space, and if you’re like me, purging always results in discoveries of things I’d given up looking for. This one’s almost crossed off my list for 2015; the only spot left to tackle is the dreaded closet! 😉
  1. Review your habitsWhat habits have you picked up or are unable to let go of that are holding you back from achieving your goals? Whether it’s spending too much time watching television or going to bed so late that you’re struggling to get up in the morning, we all have some habits that either no longer serve us or never did right from the beginning. Now’s as good a time as any to check the things you do on a daily basis and be honest abot what’s helping and what isn’t.
  1. Adjust your exercise and nutrition routinesMy dog enjoys cold winter walks as much as I do (not very much at all). This means shorter walks, less frequent. The cold weather means I drink a lot of hot chocolate (sugar), and nothing warms up the body better than a nice glass of red wine every once in a while 😉 Now that the temperature is warming up I’ll be spending more time outdoors and less time inside eating comfort foods.

I love spring. The birds are singing and people’s moods seem lighter. We finally get to see grass again and the beautiful colours as flowers start to blossom. It’s a time for renewal and rebirth. What do you do to kick-start the second quarter of the year? Please share your spring cleaning routine in the comments; I still have much to learn! 😊

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