Having Faith

December 28, 2014 Sandra Dawes

Better late than never! Here’s the third installment in my latest blog series on the 5 Keys to Making Your Goals a keep-calm-and-have-faith-1884Reality. The third key to making your goals a reality is having faith. I’m not talking about faith in terms of any particular religion. I’m referring to faith in terms of believing in yourself, your abilities, and the fact everything happens for a reason.

Faith is necessary element to any plan to make your goals a reality. If you don’t believe that it’s possible for you to make your goal a reality, then you’ve already sabotaged your success. Whether it’s a new job or starting your own business, you have to start the pursuit of your goal with the belief that it is possible. Not only do you have to believe it’s a possibility, you have to believe that you deserve it! This belief is what will help you to stay focused and committed to your goals during inevitable challenges and obstacles.

Accepting that everything happens for a reason will also help you get through any challenges you may encounter in the pursuit of your goals. Everything happens as it should, even if it doesn’t happen the way that we want it to. I’m sure we’ve all had times in our lives where disappointments led to greater opportunities. Those moments are what we need to recall when encountering obstacles to our goals in the present moment.

Is it possible to achieve your goals without faith? I suppose anything is possible. I do believe that faith makes it easier to stay committed to your goals. What will motivate you to keep going towards the achievement of your goal when it seems impossible? Persistence comes easier when you believe that your efforts will get you to your goal no matter how long it may take.

I’m so glad to be back on-line and can’t wait to write about the fourth key to making your goals a reality, creating a plan. ♥

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