Living in the present moment

June 16, 2014 Sandra Dawes

I was listening to Robin Sharma’s webinar on “Automatic Fearlessness” a few days ago, and I was reminded of the importance of Live-in-the-present-moment-quotes-live-now-quotes-life-quotes-Thich-Nhat-Hanh-Quotesliving in the moment.  The ability to simply relish in the now and not have any thoughts or worries about the past or the future is something many of us simply don’t spend enough time doing.  Since this is Father’s Day weekend, the whole concept of living in the moment had more meaning for me.

This November will be 10 years since my father passed away.  Even with the cancer diagnosis, I was in a great deal of denial.  I didn’t want to think that there would be a time when my father wouldn’t be in my life.  I took it for granted that he would always be around, and that clearly wasn’t the case.  I have come to the realization that we must cherish every moment we have with the people we care about because we never know when it may be our last.

This isn’t to say that we must come from a place of fear, and smother our loved ones because we don’t want to lose them.  I believe that we must show our love every day and never miss an opportunity to let the ones we care about know just how much we do.  I think it’s about being able to love unconditionally and making time for the things that are important to us.

I hear so many people, myself included, talking about how quickly time seems to be passing us by.  I no longer want to wonder where the time went.  I want to be able to reflect back on the time that has passed and have confidence that I made the most of every moment.  I don’t want to lose another person in my life and lament about feeling like I needed more time or that one more chance to hug and kiss them and tell them how much I love them.  I want the people in my life to know how much I love them each and every day.

The ability to live in the moment takes a lot a reprogramming for some of us.  We’re so used to being constantly on the go, trying to figure out what our next move should be that we don’t have time to soak in the amazingness of the moment we’re in.  I am committed to making sure I create a new habit of staying present more often.  I want to be able to savour every moment of life.  Instead of wondering where the time went, I want to know that no matter what I was doing it was time well spent, enjoying the magical journey of life. ♥

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