Why worry?

March 19, 2014 Sandra Dawes

I’m going to admit from the start that I am a recovering worrier.  It’s taken a lot of hard work, and there have been the occasional Don't worryrelapse, but I am working to release worry from my life permanently.  Will it ever happen?  I’m hopeful.  The problem is those projects, relationships, whatever, that we invest our heart and soul into, unsure of whether our investment will pay off.  Fearful of the consequences of it all not working out the way we want it to.

I recently saw a quote on Facebook that said “worry is just negative goal setting”.  As much as I didn’t want to admit it, the quote made sense.  How many times have you worried that something wasn’t going to work out, and then felt justified in that belief when things fell apart?  After seeing the quote, I remembered asking myself, did things not work out because they were never going to, or was it because I spent so much of my time and energy worrying that it never would?

If you’ve studied the law of attraction, you know that we attract what we are.  Does that me if we’re constantly worrying, we’ll attract more things to worry about?  If you believe in the universal laws, then you believe that what we focus on manifests itself into reality.  That’s why we do affirmations, visualization and vision boards.  We do these things to focus our energy on what we want to attract into our lives, not on those things we want to stay away from.

If you want to manifest a better job, you focus on the things you want in that new job, not on the things you’re trying to avoid.  It’s the same principle whether you want a new car or a new relationship.  Focusing on what you don’t want is pretty likely to get you more of the same, even if it comes in a new company, car, or person.  So if we know that focusing our energy on what we don’t want isn’t going to get us any further, what purpose does worrying serve?

I don’t have a psychological answer for that question.  I couldn’t even explain why I worry.  I know that it doesn’t make me feel better about the situation, it makes me feel worse.  It doesn’t provide solutions to the problem; it makes me want to curl up under the covers and hide!  So in the name of practicing what I preach, I am committed to releasing this habit of worry because I know that it doesn’t serve me AT ALL!  Instead, I’m going to focus on coming up with solutions whenever I run into challenges.  I’m not going to worry about what could happen, but focus on what I want to happen and commit to doing what I can to make it so.

The reality is that worrying is a big waste of time.  It accomplishes nothing, stresses you out and can make you sick.  Instead of spending time worrying about all that could go wrong, focus your energy on doing all that you can to ensure things go right.  Will things always work out the way that you want them to?  Absolutely not – but worrying isn’t going to get you any closer to the achievement of your goals either.  Instead of worrying, remind yourself that everything is unfolding as it should and have faith that everything happens for a reason.  As one of my favourite affirmation’s from Fabienne Frederickson says:

“I am positively expecting great results no matter what I see in front of me.  The universe is rearranging itself for my best interest right now.”

If you’re trying to kick the worrying habit, print this affirmation and post it somewhere you’ll see it as a daily reminder! ♥

Are worry and other challenging getting in the way of achieving your goals?  Join me for my Get Out of Your Own Way! Workshop on March 29.  Register in advance and bring a friend for free!  Visit www.embraceurdestiny.com/events-2 for more details!

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