Start the way you want to finish!

January 8, 2014 Sandra Dawes

Confession time!  I haven’t always had the greatest start to my New Year.  I’m sure you can relate.  The New Year starts off full of promise.  Things are going to be different.  All old habits are getting kicked to the curb and shiny new habits that are going to get me where I want to go are going to take their place.  Sounds pretty good doesn’t it?  For some reason, somewhere between January 1 and December 31, things fall

This year, I decided to do things differently **insert groan, giggle, and/or head shake here**.  No seriously, I’ve decided to stop talking about all the changes I want to make and just do it!  As I waited for the clock to strike midnight this New Year’s Eve, I sat with a glass of wine and did some contemplation.  I made 5 different lists that night (before, during and after midnight):

  1. I listed habits that I wanted to create in 2014
  2. I made a list of habits I wanted to bring back into my life in 2014
  3. I listed habits that I wanted to release
  4. I listed what I wanted for my life personally in 2014, and finally
  5. I listed what I wanted for my business in 2014

While this may not sound like the most exciting way to spend your New Year’s Eve, I have to admit that it was such a great exercise in getting clear on what I wanted (and didn’t want) for the New Year.  This week is my first week back to a regular schedule and it’s amazing to realize the difference.  My intentions are clear, and I am committed to becoming stronger and more balanced in mind, body and soul.  I’m not unsure or uncertain of what my next move should be, and even when I have questions, I know who to go to for the answers.

Start the way you want to finish – it’s the way to approach your relationships, your business, your year, and even your morning.  It all begins in the mind.  How are you going to choose to start your year?  Don’t start off half-assed and hope that things will get better.  Begin with firm intention.  Focused on what you want and committed to doing whatever it takes to make it happen.  We all want the best for our lives, it’s time we started demanding it of ourselves!

If you have goals for the New Year and would like some tips on how to stay focused, join me for my complimentary webinar on Monday January 27, 2014: 5 Keys to Maintaining Focus in 2014Register here to get the call details.

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