Are you ready to rock 2014?

December 28, 2013 Sandra Dawes

Can you believe that there are just 3 more days left in 2013?  How’s your plan for 2014 going?  If you haven’t started yet, don’t New_Year_wallpapers_Golden_new_year_2014_051646_worry, there’s still time!  You don’t have to plan out your entire year right now if that seems overwhelming.  Try starting out with a plan for the first 90-days of the year, and take it from there.

I’m trying something new for 2014.  I bought a dry-erase wall calendar and I’m plotting out all the things I want to do in the New Year.  I’m blocking off vacation time, events that I want to attend, as well as tentative dates for my workshops and other events I plan to host.  It may not seem like a big deal, but as a recent full-time entrepreneur, it is definitely helping me out!

When I left my full-time job this summer, I had a plan – write my book.  After that project was complete, I felt a bit lost.  I was so used to the day-to-day routine of a full-time job that I wasn’t sure how to cope with answering to myself as the boss!  I have gone back to doing something I had lost sight of in the last year or so – writing weekly to-do lists.  This has helped me to manage my time better and be more mindful of identifying the tasks that are going to help bring me closer to the achievement of my goals.  Having a calendar that outlines the next six months, never mind the entire year, gets me excited about all that I already have planned/scheduled and totally motivated to fill in the gaps!

I’m sure we’ve all heard it said that a goal without a plan is just a dream.  If you didn’t achieve all that you wanted to in 2013, then it’s time to rework the strategy for the New Year.  Make a plan, be flexible with it, and don’t forget to stay focused on the end result that you desire!  Remember to celebrate your accomplishments along the way and believe that all that you want for the New Year is possible!

If you’re looking for more tips and tools to make 2014 your best year yet, then join me on Monday December 30 for my complimentary webinar: 5 Keys to Making 2014 Your Best Year Yet!  Register here to get the call details.  2 lucky winners will receive a free download of my new book Embrace Your Destiny: 12 Steps to Living the Life You Deserve! ♥

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